Monday, April 25, 2011

George McNeil & Isabella McLaren Brown McNeil

In your family group for Alexander Robertson Brown & Catherine Boles, 
you will see a daughter Isabella McLaren Brown. 
The attached photo is of her and her husband George McNeil. 
It is actually a postcard with the following on the back:
Your Uncle and Aunt taken while on holiday. 
The other figure in the picture is no relation. Archie
This was given to my Dad by their son Archie McNeil.
When my Dad was 72, he and I went to Scotland so that he could meet some of his relatives. 
Archie and his English wife Dorothy put us up and we had a great time. 
We also met Archie’s sister Cathie. 
Archie had two sons, George and Graham. 
Cathie never married. 
George is the one who has a great interest in his roots 
and has supplied me with much information. 
George is a couple of years older than myself and has never married. 
His brother followed in his Dad’s footsteps and married a ‘proper’ English girl, Kathryn. 
I have greatly enjoyed Graham and Kath. 
I have stayed with them a number of times on my journeys. 
They have moved all over England
One summer, they visited us in Spokane for a month. 
They got to see much of the Northwest and a bit of Canada
George teaches languages, German and Russian, 
in high school near Edinburough (spelled incorrectly). 
Graham is also a teacher. 
He used to teach primary grades but now is involved with 
technical programs for the schools, setting up computers. 
Kath teaches English history in high school. 

--excerpt from email Gregg Young sent to Amberly

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