Friday, March 18, 2011

November 21, 1913

The label on this photo puzzled me for a while.
From another photo of the same child that is clearly labeled I know the child is Hope Estelle Maffit.
At first I thought the label for this photo meant she was being held by her Grandma Maffit.
Looking at the dates this doesn't seem remotely possible.  
Estelle's Grandma Maffit died in 1900.  
Even if my death date is wrong and she were alive in 1913 to be in this photo, 
she would have been 74 years old making her the youngest looking 74 year old ever.  
(Man those would be some good genes we inherited.)
The more I thought about it and looked at dates I came to a conclusion.
I believe "Grandma Maffit" in this photo is Emma Esther Jerrain, Estelle's mother.
I believe it's labeled "Grandma Maffit" because it was labeled for Deane Duval, Estelle's daughter.
I have studied the other pictures of Emma Esther Jerrain and I am not 100% convinced that I'm correct.
Hopefully someone will see this, know the answer for certain and leave a comment.

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